


Drivers should slow down as children head back to school. Know that yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop - motorists should slow down and be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign indicate the bus is stopped and children are getting on or off.

Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped. Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety. This includes two and four-lane highways. If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping. Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety

Quick Info
Neighborhood Map
Current Crime Incidents
VIPatroller Sign-Up Form
2024 Bulky Trash Schedule
Click here to find a vendor in our neighborhood.
We are on the 4th week, please click here to learn more about items for bulky trash.

Crime Incidents Reported to Police for:


08/18/24 to 08/24/24 - 8/24 - BMV occurred on 7300 Block of Lehigh overnight and on 8/25 a UUMV - Unauthorized Use of Vehicle occurred overnight on the 7200 Block of Syracuse.

08/11/24 to 08/17/24 - No Incidents reported.

08/04/24 to 08/10/24 - 8/7 - Porch Theft occurred on the 7200 Block Rutgers, no other information was provided.





Crimewatch #1109 
Do Your Part
Remove all items out of your vehicle!

School is Back in Session!

University Terrace Crimewatch Update
Construction equipment is being staged on Middlebury as the East side of Clemson is repaved.

Everyone needs to mindful in this area and make sure to take all items out of your car.